Grow Your Own

Transform any space, big or tiny, into a bountiful garden. From beginner to advanced techniques, we’ll show you how to grow your own delicious food. Take a look at our guides now!

The People’s Food and Farming Alliance (PFFA) will commit to assisting all of us in the quickest, healthiest and most cost-effective way for many of us to grow some of our own produce. This will include not just vegetation, but also poultry and livestock, herbs for medicinal purposes, and foraging. These steps can be taken by virtually all of us and we can help guide everyone, even those of us in financial hardship.

Want to contribute an article, growing tips or a recipe for seasonal food? We’d love to hear from you!

Please send us a message
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Gardening Basics

Understanding some of the key basics will empower home growers to maximise their time, space and productivity.

Natural Pest Control

Working with nature begins with an acceptance that we are already part of nature ourselves.

No Garden?

Food is a crucial element in our lives, and having access to healthy produce is essential for everyone.

Small Gardens

No matter how small their outdoor space is, people can still grow their own fresh vegetables.


Home composting is a wonderful way to manage kitchen and garden waste and it creates a rich soil improver.

Storing Produce

Picking fresh produce is so rewarding and the taste of home-grown vegetables is entirely different to their shop bought equivalents.

Growing Under Cover

Protecting crops during cold weather is important for the survival and growth of plants, especially during spring and autumn.

Planning for the Seasons

We help new gardeners adopt a proactive approach by promoting sovereign growing.

To grow our own food, within all possible capacity, is our own responsibility, and The PFFA aims to support everyone in growing or rearing their own food, through practical guidance and education.

We will introduce a variety of approaches, a guide to what to plant, and when, and when to harvest that produce.

We will introduce blogs and videos to support many aspects of growing, harvesting, storing and cooking foods & herbs, and welcome guest bloggers to join the fun!

Fancy learning to make cheese or butter? How to brew your own beer? How to grow your own chicken feed? As we go, we will grow, and we will bring a full range of educational resources to support us all as we learn and grow in confidence and knowledge. If you’d like to support our blog pages, please send us an email to