Ta’ Qali Farmers Market

Ta' Qali Farmers Market Ta' Qali Farmers Market, Ta' Qali, Malta

If you visit the open air farmers market in Ta' Qali, not too far from the Ta'Qali National Park, you will have the opportunity to shop from local farmers selling their fresh produce directly to consumers at a cheaper price. The farmers market only sells Maltese produce so this is your chance to try local products such as Bigilla (paste made...

Ta’ Qali Farmers Market

Ta' Qali Farmers Market Ta' Qali Farmers Market, Ta' Qali, Malta

If you visit the open air farmers market in Ta' Qali, not too far from the Ta'Qali National Park, you will have the opportunity to shop from local farmers selling their fresh produce directly to consumers at a cheaper price. The farmers market only sells Maltese produce so this is your chance to try local products such as Bigilla (paste made...

Ta’ Qali Farmers Market

Ta' Qali Farmers Market Ta' Qali Farmers Market, Ta' Qali, Malta

If you visit the open air farmers market in Ta' Qali, not too far from the Ta'Qali National Park, you will have the opportunity to shop from local farmers selling their fresh produce directly to consumers at a cheaper price. The farmers market only sells Maltese produce so this is your chance to try local products such as Bigilla (paste made...