Build the Directory

We need your help to build the directory! If you know of someone who you believes should be included in the directory you can copy or download this simple text and share it with them and encourage them to become a part of the community and to Join the Directory.

The two directories of the People’s Food and Farming Alliance PFFA and People’s Health Alliance PHA provide direct connection to a number of services eg farmers, farmer/home growing suppliers, tool repairers, artisanal food producers, wholefood suppliers and diverse range of health care providers. Both include a growing library of educational links available to users.

Established over 2 years and now in 30 countries, we are a local chapter launched in Malta April 2024 & Gozo June 2024. This is voluntary, active community work and there is no charge. PFFA and PHA are supportive community tools, a framework for community efforts, to be nurtured and developed further.

PFFA Malta – The People’s Food and Farming Alliance
Local food sovereignty and security, for The People, by The People
Instagram @thepffa.malta

PHA Malta -People’s Health Alliance
An organic, people-led, global health initiative that aims to educate, support and empower people to take responsibility for their health.
Instagram @thepha.malta